Tuesday, September 22, 2009

In search of up-to-date articles on interaction design

My interests are mostly connected to user experience and therefore the user interface or interaction design issues. I have searched the scholar.google.com and read some from there but I must admit, in search of up-to-date problems in field I could not find what I was hoping for.

Still there was a simple quality criteria paper for effective interaction design that I found compact and helpful for starters and good to use as a checklist when going through the process of planning and designing an interface or user application. It is composed for The ACM interactions Design Awards that are the awards acknowledging quality in interaction design, as distinct from software engineering and research. The paper rounds up the essential questions to be asked for understanding the level of the quality of user experience.

I am sure there is good material on the topic to find online. I will be glad to receive your suggestions also for more deeply going into the technical aspects of it. Just for the purpose of academic reading I was trying out the given sources. I now hope to find some good chapter from a book and try to share my thoughts next time.

1 comment:

  1. Do you know that as a student you have now accsess to a vaste number of electronic libraries you can access using university proxy- you can find out more from http://www.tlu.ee/?LangID=1&CatID=2037&ArtID=951&action=article
